Wednesday, 29 February 2012

MOOvies! ;'3

Heeya! Sorry about the 'MOO' bit in the title, random alert!

So i was wondering since you are ALL so kind, wether you could maybe watch some of my movies? I have a lot of shorts, but also some long ones too!


Here is a few, there is some long and shorties here.


These are just a few of my many movies, im not expecting you to watch them all, but if you can watch only one i will be greatful;'3.

Ok, so here is some MOOvie ideas i thought of for you guys, cause im kind like that..

  • Horror? Haunted house kinda thing?
  • Love?
  • School crushes/first dates?
  • Adventure? campsite? finding treasure?
  • House parties? sleepovers?
  • Nightmares?
  • Dreams?
  • Randomness? I tend to use this theme rather a lot..
  • erm, struggling with ideas now..
  • oh wait,
  • beauty pagents? Fashion shows?
Yeah so there is a few, if i come up with any more i will let you know, ok here was another random blog post. Thanks for reading!


Becca xo.